Animal welfare organisations such as Wakker Dier use public opinion to motivate supermarkets and fast food organisations to make their assortment free of broiler chicken. It seems only a matter of time before these organisations will start to focus on other foodservice companies. Reason for the members of Victoria Trading is to investigate how they too can get the assortment free of broiler chicken in the shortest time possible.
Research by Real Result has shown that the production process of chicken meat consists of two main streams: the production of the raw material and the processing of the raw material into finished products. By separating the two product streams we first made the costs in the chain transparent. By selecting two specialised partners - which work closely together - Victoria Trading now has total control over the production chain and the members are completely unburdened. By bundling volumes, applying assortment rationalisation and also making the sustainable chicken better value, production prices have remained virtually unchanged. In other words: the range of chicken could be converted cost-neutral to sustainable broiler-free chicken products.
“Purchasing is increasingly changing to (help) directing the chain so that this chain becomes more efficient and costs disappear. Real Result continuously helps Victoria Trading with this.”
Bart van Westreenen - Albron